• Customer

    changing the product photo size

    Posted by: Nomadicmovement May 24, 2020 at 03:55 (3 year ago)
    Hello, Could you kindly tell me where to change the size for the product photos? It would be easier to change the size of the photos than photo shop each product we have already uploaded onto the site.

    thank you

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, May 25, 2020 at 07:19 (3 year ago)


    If you are asking for the photos that you will upload onto your site, you should adjust the size with Photoshop.
    If you want to edit the size for products on your site, you can change in shortcode Ovic Products.

    So, you can take the screenshot for the thing you ask, and provide me your admin account, I will give you the correct answer



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