• Customer

    How to update wpbakery

    Posted by: viviankhoo May 20, 2020 at 12:24 (3 year ago)
    May i check how to update the wpbakery to latest version 6, your is version 4 now . also ask why the wpbakery is not working in the footer builder. I just bought the kutheme yesterday

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, May 21, 2020 at 01:35 (3 year ago)

    Hi @viviankhoo,

    In order to update this plugin, pls refer to this document: https://new-boutique.kutethemes.net/documentation/docs/some-customizing/2-update-wpbakery-page-builder-plugin/

    WPbakery is not working in the footer builder: You can refer to this document if that is your issue: https://new-boutique.kutethemes.net/documentation/docs/some-customizing/3-using-wpbakery-page-builder-for-pages/

    If your issues are different, pls provide me your admin account, and take the screenshots then I will check for you



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