• Customer

    Posted by: yame, May 11, 2020 at 03:43 (3 year ago)


    It is quite complex when checking your site.
    I would like to give you the answer:
    1. https://prnt.sc/sego3t: In demo site, we use a function is Dev mode. Because each of home page will be have the own header and footer setting. So when you select another homepage in Customizing, the preview screen will just so the body content. The header / footer will not get the correct appearance

    2.1: https://prnt.sc/segp88: You have to tick on this box: https://prnt.sc/segq25
    2.2: https://prnt.sc/segq7x: You are enabling Vertical menu for Header style 07: https://prnt.sc/segqk7. As the default design, there is no Vertical menu for this style so pls disable it. And, we select this menu for Primary menu in demo: https://prnt.sc/segrps. You can use your menu, and add icon for your menu item. For example: https://prnt.sc/segs1s

    3. https://prnt.sc/segsam: Because your product does not have image: https://prnt.sc/segsih and https://prnt.sc/segsoz
    4. https://prnt.sc/segsur: Sorry I don't understand
    5. https://prnt.sc/segte5: You mean that you want to remove these menu items for mobile version, right?

    Pls make your questions to be clear then I will check for you


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