• Customer

    Need to find directory for email templates

    Posted by: houndlounge May 7, 2020 at 22:00 (3 year ago)
    Hi, I have Dokan & WooCommerce running on an Ocolus theme. I want to change the email template from WooCommerce to match my theme.

    This is the instruction in Dokan documentation:

    How to override the email templates for Dokan
    Step 1:
    By default the Dokan email templates are located at wp-content/plugins/dokantemplates/emails directory. Now we have to copy the emails directory and paste it here wp-content/themes/[your_theme_name]/dokanincludes.

    When I go to file manager, I cannot see this directory in wp-content. Can you please tell me which path I need to put the email templates in.

    I have migrated my site to a Google cloud host which does not have FTP details available so I cannot give.


  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, May 9, 2020 at 02:51 (3 year ago)


    If there is not ftp account, I think it will be quite hard to check for you.
    Also, I sent your admin account to my coder and he will check. I will let you know if he gives me the feedback.

    Thanks for your patience!


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