How I can add the Revolution slider module into the theme?

At first, You need to remove the default slideshow in the Layout Builder, then setup and add the Revolution slider module into the Layout Builder (but I recommend you should not use this module. It made my theme running more slowly, that's the reason why I removed it from my theme's options)

- Change the default slideshow by using the Revolution slideshow.

From Dashboard > OVIC THEME CONFIG > layout Builder
Select theme option which you would like to change slideshow, Click on "Configure" button

- Scroll down to section "DISPLAYHOMETOPCOLUMN"

- Hover over module that you want to remove, then click on "Remove" button.

- You continuously go to  “displayhometopcolumn” section, then click on “Add new module” button.

- A popup will appears, choose module "Revolution Slider" from dropdown list in Module label, and choosing "DisplayHome" in Hook execute label. Finally click on "Save" button to save the setting.

- The result is displayed after adding module.

- Check the displaying result in front-end (You may be clear cache before view on front-end)

*** Notice: When you setup the revolution slider, you need to do following the guide in the section: "Custom Modules/4. Revolution slider" (see it in the left menu of this document).